The Americans | Episode 8: Alton & Carey | Robin de Puy

Robin de Puy, de Volkskrant, January 4, 2023

America is a country of great ambitions but even greater divisions. Reason enough for photographer and filmmaker Robin de Puy to look for 'the American'. Who is that? Who represents this country? Episode 8: between books with Alton & Carey.

On a busy street in the center of New Orleans there is a bookstore called Beckham’s Bookshop. I push the heavy, wooden doors of the dusty appearing bookstore open and see Alton (89) immediately. He sits solemnly and greets me as I enter – it looks like he hasn’t moved for the last four years. Carey (87) is sitting in between his 60.000 books and is calmly eating his lunch. Behind him lies the snoring cat, Juniper, peacefully asleep. The partners in business and life are still going strong (after 65 years pronouncing the word couple is something they still don’t do, even though they share a bed and bookstore).





Outside, the city is always dancing, inside it is an oasis of calmness. Everybody is whispering and with every step you take the floor creaks. It makes you want to tippy toe around the store.

The two men – both small in stature, always dressed in a proper pair of pants, blouse and suspenders – fit in perfectly in this environment and appear to be made for this store.

In 2018 I’ve encountered these men. Fascinated by the two of them, I arranged to meet them at their home. "The books took over", they warned me. But it was easy to maneuver through their house. After a short tour Carey hesitantly and somewhat doubtfully asked me: "Do you want to see the basement?"’



I remember experiencing a strange mixture of enthusiasm and nervousness. Together we walked down the narrow basement stairs and to my big surprise there suddenly appeared a tall, black man from behind a tiny curtain. His kinky grey hair almost reached the ceiling. Alton and Carey appear to have a mysterious man in their basement, it brought a big smile to my face.


"They call me Slim", the mystery man said. "In 1975 I walked into the bookshop with the question if anything needed to be cleaned. That same day I started." A long-lasting friendship began. In 2005 when hurricane Katrina destroyed Slim’s house, Alton and Carey gave him and his hoarderly nature a place in the basement. "I wear their clothing and eat their food. They’re like a mom and dad to me."


Currently Slim has his own home 80 miles west of New Orleans. Alton and Carey are bravely going forward and keep selling books with their stubborn but loving attitude to make the world a better place. "Beckham’s Bookshop delights & improves the mind", is their slogan. I agree.